With hands in the earth to save the water

The students of the project Escola da Esperança had a special week, “The Week of the Water”.

From the 3rd to the 7th of December, 2018, they learned how to create a water retention landscape with natural systems to capture the rain water with the orientation of the teachers, Benjamin, Marcus and Hugo. Around the space of the school, the students built swales, brush berms, and a small earth dam to retain the rainwater. This will help the infiltration of the water into the soil and with that the growing of vegetal life. Everyone put their hands in the earth so that the next rain drops that fall can stay longer in the earth.  They also learned about the Whole and Half water cycle, soil, erosion, watershed and more.

It was a tiring but fun week.  Overall the students had a very useful time for their future!

Luka, 12 years old student