Youth Journey to Damanhur

We, the so-called Red group from the Escola da Esperança Project, want to make a journey to Damanhur, a community based in northern Italy, in June 2024.
To get there we will drive with our small bus for three days, camping along the way. While we are there we will have the opportunity to visit their famous underground temples, which they built in secret for many years and are said to be huge and spectacular. During our stay in Damanhur a special event will take place: their big summer solstice ritual. We don’t know much about this but we do know it is an important event for the community where many people from around the world come to join and we’re looking forward to participate. We’ve heard a lot about Damanhur, the founder, Falco, the people there and what they do – they even do things we would actually call magic – and we’re very much looking forward to be there, meet new people and see it all for ourselves. It fascinates us to hear about their work with plants. They created a device with which you can communicate with plants. We are also looking forward to the adventure of a big road trip across Europe. On the way back we will camp near the source of the Tejo River, which starts in eastern Spain and ends near Lisbon, which is close to where we live. We will stay there for four days to reflect on, share and document about our time in Damanhur before heading home.
To make this happen we are doing a big fundraising. We wish to raise €6,900 in total. As part of this we will host cafés, offer pizzas on donation, offer a carwash, host a cinema evening, sell our linoleum print artwork and more.
Please help us reach our goal. We are happy for any support you would like to give! Please add the reference “Youth Journey Damanhur”. Thank you!
• Kaya, Alma, Lucia and Aron (all 12 years-old)
A note from the educators who accompany the students in this fundraising and journey to Damanhur:
Through our experience, we find that such educational journeys offer a unique richness into the students’ learning process that’s difficult to create in conventional school settings. Such a journey – including the fundraising, pre-journey preparations and after work – becomes an extensive communitarian process that trains teamwork, encourages proactivity and motivates students to meet new challenges with greater confidence. The joy of being together on the road and the excitement of meeting other youth and cultures become part of the invisible classroom which goes on twenty-four hours a day. One way to approach growth in self-awareness is meaningful contact with other ways of living – which stimulates reflection upon one’s own life circumstances. Furthermore, such journeys support youth to expand their identity to feel themselves part of a larger global community.
When you offer youth projects that are dear to their hearts and relevant to their deeper interests, they gain more energy for going on with what else is needed for their learning and development. We believe this journey will give winds to their sails, as a group and individuals, to gain motivation and confidence for continuing on with learning all they need for their future.
– Juliane and Benjamin
Want to support? Please donate here and add the reference “Youth Journey Damanhur”.
Thank you!