We want to go to Italy!

We, the “Fire Phoenix” learning group, 6 people aged 11-13 and 3 adults, plan to make a road trip to Damanhur, a community in Italy.

Many of us have never been on such a big journey and to be together for so long, so it’s a new experience for all of us. We know that it’s going to be tough to spend so much time together, but we are hoping to have a lot of fun and see new places!!!

Damanhur is one of the few big communities in Europe and it’s known for it’s underground temples, which were profiled as “The 8th Wonder of the World.” We are very exited to see them!

In Damanhur we are going to make a project with their school and youth to learn about their community and way of life. We hope to meet new people and make new friends.

To start our process we went out for a week to a special place in nature and did some concentrated work, like learning about Italy and Damanhur, learning how to present ourselves and our project, agreeing on community rules and even writing this introduction text you are now reading! The trip would take around two weeks, not including afterwork.

We have been running a fundraising in order to achieve our goal, which is 7000. And we made it! Thank you to everybody who donated.

Much appreciation,
the Fire Phoenix group!


A note from the educators who accompany the youth in this fundraising and journey to Damanhur:

Through our experience, we find that such journeys offer a unique richness into the learning process of the youth that is difficult to create in conventional school settings. Such a journey – including the fundraising, pre-journey preparations and after work – becomes a big communitarian process that trains teamwork and motivates the youth to meet new challenges. The joy of being together on the road and the excitement of meeting other youth and cultures become part of the invisible classroom which goes on 24 hours a day.
One way to approach growth in self-awareness is meaningful contact with other ways of living – which leads to genuine curiosity of one’s own life circumstances. In addition, such journeys support the youth in feeling part of the global community.
When you offer youth projects that are dear to their hearts they gain more energy for going on with what else is needed for their learning. At the end of this school year most in this group will have to take eleven final exams at the local school. We believe this journey will give winds to their sails, as a group and individuals, to gain motivation and confidence for passing these exams.

Juliane and Benjamin