An Easter Camp for the youth

For Easter holidays we had a beautiful youth time with some of the teenagers who grew up in Tamera and are now going to school in Lisbon, Austria, Germany and other places. We also had some participants who we know from the past youth camps.
Our wish was to meet in a smaller frame and to get into deeper exchange about political issues like the climate change and the very needed system change we are working on. To hear more intimately about their lives and most current questions and also on a practical level to work with the horses.

Every morning we spent few hours with the horses and could experience silent contact with each other as well as with the horses. Mainly through first guiding one another, blind folded, with a loose rope and then even without. Later we then guided a horse without pulling it along but through inner connection and clarity. It became clear that this possibility of inner connection enables us to communicate without words or physical contact. Everybody was very engaged and impressed about the experiences we could make there.

In the afternoons we had some spaces to share and hear from each other. It was moving to listen to everybody and see the growth, the new challenges and specially their readiness to reveal their movements of the heart also at uncomfortable or intimate places. In the end they even wanted to use the forum space to deepen.

Toward the end of the time we spent a whole day at the beach. Playing, sun bathing, making sports contests and just being together.

Concerning political questions we started the week with a conversation about their engagement in Fridays for Future and the challenges or questions they meet there. For example in a meeting of an activists group, one of them experienced the difficulty to really get into relevant talks about a common strategy for our future. He then realized how important it is to have methods like the forum that make it possible to communicate well.
We also heard a great speech with the title “System change not Climate Change” from a member of the community, which led them to the insight that on many different levels we live in a system of fear that can only be overcome by a system of trust. It was moving to see the teenagers think along and question things according to the experiences they made so far in their own lives.

We are very thankful for this successful and beautiful time together.