A day of magic – building drums in the Kindergarden

The first sound we all experienced was the heartbeat of the mother, as yet unborn in the belly of the mother. The constant rhythmic drumming and its vibration is accompanying everybody from the first moment of existence. “Mother I feel you under my feet, Mother I hear your heartbeat…” became a favourite song in the Kindergarden of Tamera as the eight children are drumming with their own drums now.
Over a couple of weeks, the first common craft project, creating and decorating an own drumstick, raised the joyful anticipation for a special day. Building an own alive drum, supported by the drum maker Marió and the kindergarden teachers. One intention is to catalyse the creative powers of the group in service of music and cosmic spaces the children love so much. With a ceremonial entry of the children, a day of magic unfolded. The process of making an alive drum is like the birth of a new being. Choosing all the parts, from the rim, picking medicine cards and connecting with spirit animals, up to soaking the skin, so it can soften. We are looking together at the dried goat skin reflecting “Where does it come from? Which animal is it? Which sounds the goat makes?” Questions of death and killing, consumption of animals and animal products, hunting wild animals are present in the circle with the 2,5 up to 4,5 years old children. One child receives a drum covered with linen fabric, as an option not to use animal skin. Everyone gives cheerful and deep gratitude to Mother Earth for carrying us, to the forests and trees providing the rim, the plant world for the rope which holding the drum together and the spirit of the goat for the skin. Putting the skin on the rim is the last stage, creating a web from a few meters long rope, on the back of the drum. Excitement and concentration are on everyone’s shining face.
At the end of the day there are two circles, one with children and teachers, and one with the new drums. The intention for the drums is to keep the connection to the big mother, Mother Earth, open and uncorrupted. Every child carries this pure connection and they love to naturally play the heartbeat. We will use the coming months for learning how to use them well and sing.