“The development and realisation of new, innovative forms of learning with life-affirming content long ago became an issue not only of education but also of politics, if not also a question of survival for our blue planet Earth.” (Oskar Eckmann).

We would like to thank you very much for the support,
that we have received so far on this long journey!

Our economic model

Until now, our learning community is mostly financed by parents and by the community of Tamera. Currently, we handle a yearly budget of 130.000€, with 80% in salaries to educators and specialists. All community members working in our learning community are volunteers and their daily life costs are covered by the community. Including this cost into our budget, it would double to 260.000€.

What do we need?

We need your donation! As many independent projects, we finance ourselves through donations from our global network of friends who are passionate about innovative education. We don’t want to raise the parents’ contributions and we want to remain accessible for families with diverse economic backgrounds: we receive monthly contributions of an average of 300€/child.

Become a member of our support circle

Donate a monthly amount (5, 15, 50, 500€ or whatever you want) and become part of our circle of permanent supporters to especially finance the costs of our Portuguese educators.
This is an important part of our stability, ensuring independence and the continuation of our work under good conditions.

Make a one-time donation

To finance study trips within Portugal, networking, learning resources and scholarships for students who cannot contribute.
Note that for donations over 500€ you get a Tamera online course for free! A receipt is available upon request.

Invest into the future

Parallel to the management of our learning community, we are preparing the birth of the future Escola da Esperança. This process involves paying lawyers, architects, engineers, educators, etc. At the moment, 220.000€ are needed.

Feel free to share with us any contacts you may have to private or public funding organisations!

With your help we can spread the costs of the Escola da Esperança project over many shoulders. We call the global network of alternative education’s friends to widen this group of supporters.

A sincere thank you.