Easter Youth Camp 2024
As every year we just had a wonderful holiday time with a small group of young people between 13...
Youth Journey to Damanhur
We, the so-called Red group from the Escola da Esperança Project, want to make a journey to...
Stand und Entwicklung
Liebe Freunde des Projekts Escola da Esperança, Wie Sie vielleicht bereits wissen, arbeiten wir...
Cosmos and Body
Recently the so-called Red learning group had a special learning week. Meeting with Mara and...
The Kindergarden and the Clay
In November our kindergarten had three pottery sessions in Maya's workshop in Ateneu do Catorze....
Youth Camp 2023 – Creativity and Community
This year's youth camp was all about creativity and community. To make this a lived experience, we...
We went to Damanhur!
We, the “Fire Phoenix” learning group of the Escola da Esperança project, 6 youngsters aged 11-13...
Easter Youth Camp 2023
This year we had the ambitious plan to walk along the Portuguese Atlantic coast. As every year, we...
We want to go to Italy!
We, the “Fire Phoenix” learning group, 6 people aged 11-13 and 3 adults, plan to make a road trip...
Freies Kinderaufwachsen – Online Course
Tamera Onlineausbildung ist ein interaktives Lernangebot, an dem Sie von überall in der Welt...
Ein Jahreszyklus mit den Bienen – gelebtes Wissen im Kindergarten
Welche Pflanzen mögen die Bienen? Brauchen sie Wasser zum Trinken? Wer entscheidet, wann die Zeit...
Die Teenies bei einem Ausflug in Odemira
Weil die Schule nicht der einzige Ort ist, an dem wir lernen können, sind wir nach Odemira...