Easter Youth Camp 2024

Easter Youth Camp 2024

Easter Youth Camp 2024 As every year we just had a wonderful holiday time with a small group of young people between 13 and 20 years old at our place of the children. When we thougt about our main intention of the camp, we decided to make it a time of common action at...
Youth Journey to Damanhur

Youth Journey to Damanhur

Youth Journey to Damanhur We, the so-called Red group from the Escola da Esperança Project, want to make a journey to Damanhur, a community based in northern Italy, in June 2024. To get there we will drive with our small bus for three days, camping along the way....
Stand und Entwicklung

Stand und Entwicklung

Stand und Entwicklung Liebe Freunde des Projekts Escola da Esperança, Wie Sie vielleicht bereits wissen, arbeiten wir seit Jahren an der Gründung einer internationalen Privatschule. Im Jahr 2015-2016 haben wir unseren Antrag auf die Genehmigung unserer Schule...
Cosmos and Body

Cosmos and Body

Cosmos and Body Recently the so-called Red learning group had a special learning week. Meeting with Mara and Douglas, a philosopher and a physicist, this group dove into the topic „What is the human being, really?“ Studying examples of feats of extreme...
The Kindergarden and the Clay

The Kindergarden and the Clay

The Kindergarden and the Clay In November our kindergarten had three pottery sessions in Maya’s workshop in Ateneu do Catorze. Early in the mornings we filled up the van with kids and to the sound of the „Final Countdown“ from Queen we headed towards...