One year with the bees – lived knowledge in Kindergarden

What kind of plants do bees like?
Do they need water to drink?
Who decides, when its time to create another new swarm somewhere else?
How do bees talk to each other?
How long does it take for six bees to collect one spoon of honey?
What do bees need propolis for?
How do bees prepare for winter? And who closes the door of a hive?
Why did the swarm leave our hive?
What is the spiritual task of the bees on this planet?
All of these questions and many more, accompanied us throughout the year.
And once a month, Annelieke, our beloved bee wisdom carrier, came to visit us and showed us the world of the bees. In this time, we were able to open a beehive in Tamera, that the bees had just left. What a magic golden world, they had built inside. And we had the privilege to discover it.
We planted the bee`s favourites flowers, and painted the outside of a new beehive. We played in role plays and with bee puppets the process of swarming. And we took on the roles in a beehive ourselves in daily life. Like: the cleaners, the guardians, … We made our own wound, coughing medicine out of propolis and sang our bee song to them.
How much work one spoon of honey is, we experienced ourselves in a game. We were flying like bees from our hive to a flower and back. Every time we arrived at the flower, we picked one piece of lentil and brought it back to the hive, vomited to another bee our piece of lentil and this bee vomited it into a cell. Of course, all of it playing. In this process in each stomach of a bee, fermentation and magic happens. So that in the end the result in the cell is: honey. The children were flying back and forth, and back and forth until they were exhausted and wanted to know, how much money they had collected. One tiny drop of honey was the disappointing and eye opening outcome. The effect on their consumption of honey, changed from that day on. “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn”, Benjamin Franklin.