Children summer camp: Pipi Longstocking

“Oi aventura tralali tralala trala hopsasa. Somos traquinas e estamos a chegar!”
-Pipi Longstocking

The song of Pipi Longstocking was both theme song and guide for the one week Children’s Camp that took place in July in Tamera. It was a week filled with many activities and cheerful ‘loucura’. Wearing costume, taking on a character and silliness were consistently encouraged. Corinna, Elias, Sarah and I (Benjamin) were the main guides of the camp, which consisted of around 25 children and youth of mixed age and nationality. As part of their last week of school the teenagers of Tamera helped in the camp, leading many of the workshops and taking on the task of being role models for the younger ones. The workshops that took place were dancing, singing, archery, contact and communication with horses, woodwork, weaving, arts and crafts, baking, football, skateboarding and trampolining. Some neighbors from the local area came to give workshops on upcycling and weaving. Swimming in the lake was part of our everyday rhythm as well as coming together in circle for meal times and games.

Underneath all our activity and playfulness we had together was the big carpet of community living. Good communication and learning what it means to move together as one group body were important themes that accompanied our camp throughout these days. Taking care for the place where we eat, sleep and play, cooking meals, translating between three languages, managing conflicts and learning to perceive each other as unique individuals were all responsibilities that we took on a one big group.

Thank you, Obrigado, Dankeshön to everyone that took part and helped with the Children’s Camp.


Some of the activities lived